20. April 2020.   •     Tamara Haddad

Dear friends,

Don’t cancel, postpone your travel. We all find ourselves in a difficult situation these days. Let’s all be disciplined and listen to the experts to get rid of the virus and get on with our normal lives as soon as possible. Now we all need the strength and patience to overcome this situation. Take care of yourself and others, stay healthy. We hope you and your loved ones are well. Despite the emergency, we are still available via email and phone for all information. #stayhomefornow

Even though you might have changed or canceled your travel plans already for this spring or summer, DON’T CANCEL POSTPONE YOUR TRAVEL. CHANGE THE DATES, SAVE TOURISM. Now you have the time to read and learn more online about your next desired destination, or even prepare yourself better for the first choice you had. Let’s pretend it was Croatia.

View of Skradin town, Raftrek travel | Don't cancel, postpone your travel
View of Skradin town


Our hearts and thoughts go out to all the people who have been or will be affected by this disease. We also think of our partners, colleagues, local guides and people around the globe for whom tourism has often been a ladder out of poverty and provided them and their families with decent life.


Even though this is a time to keep a distance physically, it is also a time to nurture our connection with friends and families and to check in with neighbors. Luckily we have the means to do this on social media.

Don't cancel, postpone your travel | Raftrek Travel

We send you all big virtual hugs. Please stay well, stay in touch and let us know how you are. Don’t cancel postpone your travel, change the dates, save tourism. Despite the emergency, we are still available via email and phone for all information.
Stay tuned and follow our blog to read and learn more online!#staysafe