23. January 2018.   •     Tamara Haddad

His Polar dream

Davor Rostuhar and Raftrek love story. Davor beeing the star, and Raftrek supporting him in his polar dream. On Wednesday, January 17th, he fulfilled his dream and officially ended the country’s first expedition to distant South Pole.

During his adventure, Davor Rostuhar was in complete isolation, having no option for resupply of any kind. Therefore relying only on his physical power and mental strength to complete the task. Using nothing but his ski gear, Davor travelled through 1163 km of harsh snow terrain, exploring Antartica, the mysterious white continent. The only asset he had was a sled with tent, rations and equipment, weighting about 135 kg at the start of the polar adventure.

Davor Rostuhar and Raftrek
Calling Croatia from his tent, wearing a Raftrek buff. Photo from his official Instagram page

The whole expedition lasted 47 days to complete. Davor walked between ten and twelve hours. Therefore managing to pass over 25 km on a daily average. The temperatures were usually between -15 and -27 degrees Celsius. Due to wind chill, he was sometimes literally exposed to -50 degrees Celsius. Davor was the first Croat to conquer South Pole this way, and 21st human being that walked to the Pole’s heart. Writing a book about his adventure is one of his next plans. A great follow-up to one of his impressive books Croatia From Above and which was published with the cooperation of National Geographic.  

Croatia vs South Pole
Photo from his official Facebook page: Davor Rostuhar – pisac i fotograf 

Davor Rostuhar and Raftrek Adventure Travel

Davor Rostuhar and Raftrek, again we are so proud of our friend and so happy that he took us with, to follow him on one of his greatest lifetime adventures. Even if it is such a small material thing, as a flag. Great job, Davor! Thank you.

“I am grateful to all who believed in me. So many of my dear people told me that they are sure I will succeed, even though I was not even sure myself. There were those who did not say it, but I felt they were suspicious of my success, as well as those who secretly hoped I would not succeed. And I am grateful to them because they awoke a bitterness in me which was sometimes welcome to get to my goal.” wrote Davor in his blog, where he describes every step of this expedition.

Davor Rostuhar and his undertake, hopefully, will serve as an inspiration to people, that dreams do come true. Who knows where his next adventure will be? Time will tell, but knowing him, he won’t wait too long to find his new challenge.